ACBL Club appreciation week: double black masterpoints

We know you love your club and you want to show you support and how you like it. So enjoy this Club Appreciation Week ACBL organizes for you and double your black ACBL masterpoints©

Club Appreciation Week starts today (Monday) and will finish on Sunday, October 26 to November 1. No registration is required. Simply play in your usual Virtual Club game on BBO.

Here’s how Club Appreciation Week works:

  • Any Virtual Club game that starts between 12:01 a.m. on Monday, October 26, and 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, November 1, will automatically be included in the event.
  • All games will pay DOUBLE regular black masterpoints.
  • You do not need to do anything special to participate these games; Virtual Club play is automatically included.
  • There will be no overalls or combining of scores. It’s your regular club game with new, temporary conditions.

How to access your virtual club?

From the main menu: click on VIRTUAL CLUBS => ACBL North America and write the name of your club in the search box.

This opportunity is only available to clubs that have created a Virtual Club on BBO. If your club hasn’t signed up yet, it’s not too late! Club managers can fill out a short form to get started.

14 comments on “ACBL Club appreciation week: double black masterpoints”

  1. I go points last week and got 1 st to night and 20 points got 3th got another .in Fun aclu. Will thy add on the loints

  2. ALL points are doubled. Make sure you are looking on LIVE for Clubs on the ACBL website. The masterpoints shown on BBO are rough estimates, at best and usually quite wrong, especially during these special events.

    If you are looking for partners for a game, contact the VACB account that is running the game for help during the 2 hours before the game.

  3. Are double points only for the top winners? My fractional master point for coming in third doesn't seem to have been doubled.

  4. Not sure I entered my club unit 540 SLO,please enter if not correct club 540 San Luis Obispo, ca for ACBL Club Week 10/26 to 11/1

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