Winners daily update: ACBL Club Championship Games (October 19–25)

Here are the results so far for the October ACBL Club Championship Games

Monday October 19

10AM ACBL Club Championship Game

1azmiarna+denizok10 BB$
2betanbat+hickorytr 10 BB$
3alfi1848+bndk10 BB$
4bobbyva+lvgopher10 BB$
5onsgedacht+guido100610 BB$
WinnerRandom Prize
ikubamay5 BB$
scaplevate5 BB$
dtaneri 5 BB$
sophia025 BB$
tarheeldee5 BB$

3PM ACBL Club Championship Game

1greynol3+rspriggle10 BB$
2Penzap+Cinzen10 BB$
3Donnabrink+lwmiller4510 BB$
4sasik+eluniaw10 BB$
5jcpool+jwstprof10 BB$
WinnerRandom Prize
purdylane5 BB$
Deliane5 BB$
NWChicago5 BB$
Truffels225 BB$

8PM ACBL Club Championship Game

1swkantor+zeke4610 BB$
2vreemde+schatzow10 BB$
3papaj+GvilleGal10 BB$
4ferrocious+leni holtz10 BB$
5rs99+A200310 BB$
WinnerRandom Prize
jj_5 BB$
leni holtz5 BB$
ilane5 BB$
souplady5 BB$
sister37 5 BB$
One comment on “Winners daily update: ACBL Club Championship Games (October 19–25)”

  1. Just wanted to know why I never got my points for a 68.9% game yesterday out of over 600 people in a daylong which I have a photo of my results....

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