Conditions of Contest

General Rules

We are committed to maintaining a pleasant atmosphere on BBO. Playing on this site is a privilege, not a right. It depends on displaying good sportsmanship, courteous behavior, and, most importantly, the observance of the highest standard of ethics.

Players are required to familiarize themselves with the Proprieties of the Laws of Duplicate Bridge and with BBO’s Terms of Service.

Serious Offenses Include:

  • Using profanities, racist, or sexually explicit remarks.
  • Insulting your partners, opponents, or any other member of BBO.
  • Communicating with your partner through external software like messenger or using a telephone.
  • In addition to these, BBO reserves the right to exclude any player who is deemed to be disruptive to the other participants or to the tournament directors.


  • English is the official language.

Systems Policy

  • HUM systems and Brown Stickers are prohibited.
  • Partners must agree on the same meanings for calls in the auction and for defensive card play. This does not limit the exercise of style and judgment.
  • Players are requested to provide a Convention Card filled out legibly in English or complete the “other” section of BBO’s profile with all adopted bidding/playing conventions and announce their system, carding and leads to their opponents at the beginning of each round.

Playing Time

  • Players are expected to complete each round in the time allotted, as indicated by the clock at the table.
  • Unfinished boards will be adjusted if they were played enough for the outcome to be clear.
  • The system may remove un-played or partly-played boards from slow pairs.
  • In robot tournaments, players must complete all boards in order to be assigned a result for the tournament.

If a board is unplayed or unfinished:

  • The result will be displayed as AVE
  • The players at the affected table can call the TD, specifying the board number. The TD will review the table history and adjust accordingly.


  • Any bid/call that has a special or artificial meaning or whose partnership meaning may not be understood by the opponents must be alerted to the opponents through the "alert" feature.
  • The BBO software enables players to alert their own bids, known as "self-alerting." This differs from live bridge clubs and tournaments. If in doubt about whether a bid should be alerted, it is better to alert.
  • If the opponents inquire about the meaning of one of your bids, please respond politely, even if the answer seems obvious. You are required to explain the agreement you have with your partner, not to disclose what cards or how many points you hold. If the opponents are not familiar with the name of the convention, describe what the bid signifies instead of merely repeating the convention's name.
  • Do not use table chat to explain your bids.
  • Failing to alert may result in an adjusted score if the opponents are disadvantaged.


  • If a player is disconnected, they will be replaced with a temporary robot substitute. If the original player reconnects before the game ends, they will be reseated.

Participation & Eligibility


All Festival games and other women's events organized by BBO take place on Bridge Base Online:

You need a BBO username to participate. Creating a BBO account is free. If you are not already a BBO player, click the “Login/Register“ button at to create your BBO account.

Event registration

Pre-registration to our Women’s Online Events is not required.

All women's online games are open for registration 24 hours before they begin.

Players login to with their BBO username and password during the duration of the Festival or other Women's Events, locate the Women’s games, and click the one they wish to play.

In pair games, a partnership desk is available for each game.


Only women are eligible to participate in our Women’s Online Bridge Events on Bridge Base Online.

Players can expresss interest to participate and declare their eligibility by filling in this form.

Please note that the form simply validates the players' eligibility to play in women’s events on BBO; it is not an event registration form.

BBO and the Festival or other Event sponsors reserve the right to ask for additional information if the player is eligible for any prizes or if there are doubts related to their eligibility.

Entry Fees

Entry fees are paid through the BBO platform, with BB$ (BBO’s in-game currency). Each game costs 1 BB$ (equals 1 USD), except for free games.

BB$ can be purchased by clicking here.

How Winners Are Determined for the Women's Online Bridge Festival

  • There are four main categories in the Women’s Online Bridge Festival:
    • Pairs
    • Individual
    • Robot
    • Overall Ranking.
  • Top 10 Results Count: In each category, and for the overall ranking, we'll only count your best 10 results based on the masterpoints you've won. Running scores will be available during the Festival in the Rankings page.
  • Players can play in as many games they wish during the Festival.
  • Players can improve their Festival ranking, by replacing poor results with better ones, with any new game they play.
  • Following each Festival edition, provisional winners are listed, subject to manual review by an expert panel. The confirmed winner list for each category and the overall event will be released after review, and the decisions of the panel are final.
