Archives: Events
Pacific Daylong Reward
16 boards, MPs, non-best hand Finish in the top 30% and you’ll win BB$ prizes. All players contri...
Pacific Daylong Reward
16 boards, MPs, non-best hand Finish in the top 30% and you’ll win BB$ prizes. All players contri...
Dinghies Daylong
12 boards (MPs, IMPs) Win BBO Points at the Dinghies Daylong. As with all Daylongs you can start whe...
Dinghies Daylong
12 boards (MPs, IMPs) Win BBO Points at the Dinghies Daylong. As with all Daylongs you can start whe...
Flybridge Daylong 
8 boards (MPs, IMPs, JD) Flybridge Daylong is a short 8-board cruise towards potential BBO Points. M...
Flybridge Daylong 
8 boards (MPs, IMPs, JD) Flybridge Daylong is a short 8-board cruise towards potential BBO Points. M...
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